Contents Foreword 1 Method I Direct Electrolytic-Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method 2 Method II Potassium Permanganate Tellurium Oxide-Electrolytic-Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method 3 Method Three Electrolytic - spectrophotometric method Annex A (Informative) The number of chapters and articles of Method I in this part shall be contrasted with those in ISO 1554:1976 Annex B (Informative) Technical differences and reasons between the Method I in this part and ISO 1554:1976 Annex C (Informative) The number of chapters and articles of Method III in this part shall be contrasted with those in ISO 1553:1976 Annex D (Informative) Technical differences and reasons between the method III in this part and ISO 1553:1976 |