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JTG F40-2004
JTG F40-2004 公路沥青路面施工技术规范 (英文版)
Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements
1 General
2 Terms, Symbols and Codes
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols and Code names
3 Base
4 Materials
4.1 General Regulations
4.2 Road Petroleum Asphalt
4.3 Emulsified asphalt
4.4 Liquid petroleum asphalt
4.5 Coal tar
4.6 Modified asphalt
4.7 Modified asphalt emulsion
4.8 Coarse aggregate
4.9 Fine aggregate
4.10 Packing
4.11 Fiber stabilizer
5 Hot Mixed asphalt road surface
5.1 General
5.2 Preparation for construction
5.3 Mix design
5.4 Mixing of mixture
5.5 Transportation of mixture
5.6 Paving of mixture
5.7 Compaction and molding of asphalt road surface
5.8 Joints 45
5.9 Open for traffic and others
6 Asphalt Surface Treatments and Seal Coat
6.1 General regulations
6.2 Asphalt surface treatments by layer spread method
6.3 Upside seal coat
6.4 Downside seal coat
6.5 Slurry seal and microsurfacing
7 Asphalt Penetration Pavement
7.1 General
7.2 Material spec and usage
7.3 Construction preparation
7.4 Construction method
8 Pavement Constructed by Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture
8.1 General
8.2 Material Ratio Design of Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture
8.3 Construction of Pavement Constructed by Cold-mixed Asphalt Mixture
8.4 Cold Make-up Asphalt Mixture
9 Prime Coat and Tack Coat
9.1 Prime Coat
9.2 Tack Coat
10 Other Construction of Asphalt Pavement 61
10.1 General
10.2 Sideway for People and Non-power Vehicles
10.3 Packing Lot of Heavy-duty Vehicle and Public Transportation
10.4 Asphalt Pavement of Cement Concrete Bridge Surface
10.5 Construction of Steeled Bridge Pavement
10.6 Tunnel Asphalt Pavement of highway
10.7 Kerbs and Dam
11 Construction Quality Control and Inspection Acceptance
11.1 General Regulation
11.2 Material and Equipment Inspection before Construction
11.3 Auxiliary Test Section of a Highway
11.4 Quality Control and Inspection in Construction Process
11.5 Project Quality Inspection and Acceptance in the Period of Completed Project and Acceptance
11.6 Project Construction Summary and Quality Guarantee Period Management
Appendix A Climate Division on the Performance of Asphalt Road Surface
Appendix B Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of Hot Mixed Asphalt Mixtures
Appendix C Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of SMA Mixtures
Appendix D Designing Methods on the Mix Ratio of SMA Mixtures 101
Appendix E The Assessing Method on the Degree of Asphalt Compaction
Appendix F The Dynamic Management Methods on the Quality of Construction Engineering
Appendix G Quality process control and gross amount testing method of asphalt pavement
Appendix H Diction Directions in This Criterion
JTG F40 英文版 Text of document is in English
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