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GB 5226.1-2008
GB 5226.1-2008 机械电气安全 机械电气设备 第1部分:通用技术条件 (英文版)
Electrical safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and definitions
4 General requirements
4.1 General
4.2 Selection of equipment
4.3 Electrical supply
4.4 Physical environment and operating conditions
4.5 Transportation and storage
4.6 Provisions for handling
4.7 Installation
5 Incoming supply conductor terminations and devices for disconnecting and switching off
5.1 Incoming supply conductor terminations
5.2 Terminal for connection to the external protective earthing system
5.3 Supply disconnecting (isolating) device
5.4 Devices for switching off for prevention of unexpected start-up
5.5 Devices for disconnecting electrical equipment
5.6 Protection against unauthorized, inadvertent and/or mistaken connection
6 Protection against electric shock
6.1 General
6.2 Protection against direct contact
6.3 Protection against indirect contact
6.4 Protection by the use of PELV
7 Protection of equipment
7.1 General
7.2 Overcurrent protection
7.3 Protection of motors against overheating
7.4 Abnormal temperature protection
7.5 Protection against supply interruption or voltage reduction and subsequent restoration
7.6 Motor overspeed protection
7.7 Earth fault/residual current protection
7.8 Phase sequence protection
7.9 Protection against overvoltages due to lightning and to switching surges
8 Equipotential bonding
8.1 General
8.2 Protective bonding circuit
8.3 Functional bonding
8.4 Measures to limit the effects of high leakage current
9 Control circuits and control functions
9.1 Control circuits
9.2 Control functions
9.3 Protective interlocks
9.4 Control functions in the event of failure
10 Operator interface and machine-mounted control devices
10.1 General
10.2 Push-buttons
10.3 Indicator lights and displays
10.4 Illuminated push-buttons
10.5 Rotary control devices
10.6 Start devices
10.7 Emergency stop devices
10.8 Emergency switching off devices
10.9 Enabling control device
11 Controlgear: location, mounting, and enclosures
11.1 General requirements
11.2 Location and mounting
11.3 Degrees of protection
11.4 Enclosures, doors and openings
12 Conductors and cables
12.1 General requirements
12.2 Conductors
12.3 Insulation
12.4 Current-carrying capacity in normal service
12.5 Conductor and cable voltage drop
12.6 Flexible cables
12.7 Conductor wires, conductor bars and slip-ring assemblies
13 Wiring practices
13.1 Connections and routing
13.2 Identification of conductors
13.3 Wiring inside enclosures
13.4 Wiring outside enclosures
13.5 Ducts, connection boxes and other boxes
14 Electric motors and associated equipment
14.1 General requirements
14.2 Motor enclosures
14.3 Motor dimensions
14.4 Motor mounting and compartments
14.5 Criteria for motor selection
14.6 Protective devices for mechanical brakes
15 Accessories and lighting
15.1 Accessories
15.2 Local lighting of the machine and equipment
16 Marking, warning signs and reference designations
16.1 General
16.2 Warning signs
16.3 Functional identification
16.4 Marking of equipment
16.5 Reference designations
17 Technical documentation
17.1 General
17.2 Information to be provided
17.3 Requirements applicable to all documentation
17.4 Installation documents
17.5 Overview diagrams and function diagrams
17.6 Circuit diagrams
17.7 Operating manual
17.8 Maintenance manual
17.9 Parts list
18 Verification
18.1 General
18.2 Verification of conditions for protection by automatic disconnection of supply
18.3 Insulation resistance tests
18.4 Voltage tests
18.5 Protection against residual voltages 128
18.6 Functional tests
Annex A (Normative) Protection against indirect contact in TN-systems
Annex B (Informative) Enquiry form for the electrical equipment of machines
Annex C (Informative) Examples of machines covered by this part of GB 5226
Annex D (Informative) Current-carrying capacity and overcurrent protection of conductors and cables in the electrical equipment of machines
Annex E (Informative) Explanation of emergency operation functions
Annex F (Informative) Guide for the use of this part of GB 5226
Annex G (Informative) Comparison of typical conductor cross-sectional areas

GB 5226.1-2008 English version
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