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Standard Store
GB/T 297-1994 Rolling bearings-Tapered roller bearings-Boundary dimensions (Text of Document is in English) [ 1995-10-01 ]
GB/T 5009.29-2003 Determination of sorbic acid and benzoic acid in foods (Text of Document is in English) [ 2004-01-01 ]
GB 12694-1990 Hysienic specifications of meat packing plant (Text of Document is in English) [ 1991-10-01 ]
GB/T 25627-2010 Construction machinery-Power-shift transmissions (Text of Document is in English) [ 2011-03-01 ]
GB/T 29047-2012 Prefabricated directly buried insulating pipes and fittings with polyurethane [PUR] foamed-plastics and high density polyethylene [PE] casing pipes (Text of Document is in English) [ 2013-09-01 ]
JB/T 8816-1998 Construction machinery—Drive axle—Technical specifications (Text of Document is in English) [ 1998-12-01 ]
GB/T 3093-2002 High-pressure seamless steel tubes for diesel engine (Text of Document is in English) [ 2003-02-01 ]
GB 4599-2007 Motor vehicle headlamps equipped with filament lamps(Text of document is in English) [ 2008-06-01 ]
GB 5948-1998 Photometric characteristics of motorcycle headlamps equipped with filament light sources (Test of document is in English) [ 1999-10-01 ]
GB 19152–2003 Photometric characteristics of moped headlamps (Text of document is in English) [ 2003-11-01 ]
GB 21259-2007 Headlamps equipped with gas-discharge light sources for motor vehicle (Text of document is in English) [ 2008-06-01 ]
GB/T 276-2013 Rolling bearing—Deep groove ball bearings —Boundary dimensions (Text of document is in English) [ 2014-06-01 ]
GB/T 288-2013 Rolling bearing—Self-aligning roller bearing —Boundary dimensions (Text of document is in English) [ 2014-06-01 ]
GB/T 18411–2001 Road vehicle—Manufacturer’s plate (Text of document is in English) [ 2002-05-01 ]
GB/T 25978-2010 Road vehicle-Plate and label (Text of document is in English) [ 2011-05-01 ]
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