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Document Title  
GB 50037-2013 Code for design of building ground (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Ground Type
3.1 Basic Requirement
3.2 Common Building Ground
3.3 Clean, Dust-proof and Antibacterial Ground
3.4 Anti-static Ground
3.5 Wear Resistant and Collision Resistant Ground
3.6 Anti-corrosion Ground
3.7 Anti Oil Seepage Ground
3.8 Other Ground
4. Ground Cushion
4.1 Ground Cushion Type Selection
4.2 Requirement of Ground Cushion
5. Ground Foundation
6. Ground Construction
Annex A The Thickness of Surface Course, Bonding Course and fill stratum, the Thickness of Leveling Course, and the Layer Number of Isolated Layers
Annex B Thickness of Concrete Cushion
Annex C Thickness of Concrete Cushion
Explanation of wording in this code
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