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Document Title  
JJF 1424-2013 Program of Pattern Evaluation of Ammonia-Nitrogen Automatic Analyzers (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$400.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 General
4 Technical data and experimental prototype that shall be submitted by application unit
4.1 Technical Information
4.2 Test prototype
5 Requirements of legal system management
5.1 Requirements of unit of measurement
5.2 Accuracy requirements (maximum allowable error)
5.3 Requirements on metrological legislation marks and measuring instruments identifications
5.4 design requirements of external construction
5.5 other requirement
6 Metrological requirements
7 General technical requirements
7.1 Appearance
7.2 Adaptability of power voltage
7.3 Safety requirements
7.4 Environmental test
8 Schedule of pattern evaluation items
9 Test methods and conditions for test items
9.1 Metrological requirements
9.2 General technical requirements
10 Determination and treatment on results of pattern evaluation
11 original record format of pattern evaluation
Appendix A
original Record Format of Pattern Evaluation of Ammonia-Nitrogen Automatic Analyzers
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