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Document Title  
TSG G0001-2012 Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Administration Regulation (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Materials
3 Design
4 Manufacturing
5 Installation, Improvement and Repair
6 Safety Accessories and Instruments
7 Combustion Equipment, Auxiliary Equipment and System
8 Application and Management
9 Inspection
10 Hot-water Boiler and System
11 organic Heat Transfer Material Boiler and System
12 Cast-iron Boiler
13 Grade D Boiler
14 Supplementary Provisions
Annex A Conformity Certificate of Boilers
Attached Table A Boiler Data
Annex B Numbering Method of Special Equipment Code
Development (Revision) of Relevant Regulations and Specifications
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