中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
HG/T 21545-2006 Standard Drawing of Foundation Bolt (Anchor Bolt) (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
Data sheet of anchor bolt
Type I: spines anchor bolt
Type Ⅱa: bend hook anchor bolt
Type Ⅱb: straight hook anchor bolt
Type Ⅲ a: anchor bolt with bolt connection anchor plate
Type Ⅲ b: anchor bolt with welded anchor plate
Type Ⅲ c: Anchor bolt with reinforced anchor plate
Type Ⅳ: Through the whole drivepipe anchor bolt
Type V Double-end thread anchor bolt
Type Ⅵ: T-head anchor bolts
Type Ⅶ: T-head anchor bolt of U-bar anchor rack
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