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Document Title  
GB 50108-2008 Technical code for waterproofing of underground works (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$400.00 USD
1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Waterproofing design of underground works.
3.1 General requirement
3.2 Waterproof grade
3.3 Design requirement for waterproofing
4 Concrete main structure waterproofing of underground works
4.1 Waterproof concrete
4.2 The waterproof layer of cement mortar
4.3 Sheet waterproof layer
4.4 Coating waterproof layer
4.5 Waterproof layer of waterproof plastic sheet
4.6 Waterproof metallic layer
4.7 Waterproof layer of waterproof bentonite material
4.8 Planting topplate waterproofing of underground works
5 Concrete detail constitution waterproofing of underground works
5.1 Movement joint
5.2 Later-cast band
5.3 Wall-through pipe (box)
5.4 Embedded parts
5.5 Reserved passage joint =
5.6 Pile head =
5.7 Aperture
5.8 Pit and pool
8 Special Construction Structure Waterproof
8.1 Shield Tunnel
8.2 Caisson
8.3 Continuous concrete wall
8.4 Reverse structure
8.5 Shot concrete and rock bolt support
9 Underground works leakage water treatment
9.1 General policy conditions
9.2 Project design
9.3 Treatment materials
9.4 Construction
10 Other provisions
Annex A Safety and environment protection
Explanation of Wording in this Specification
Annex: Article Instruction
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