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Document Title  
CNCA-01C-016: 2010 Electrical and electronic products - Codes for practice of compulsory certification Equipment for household use and similar (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1. Scope of Application
2. Certification Mode
3. Basic Links of Certification
3.1 Application of certification
3.2 Type test
3.3 Initial factory inspection
3.4 Assessment and approval of certification results
3.5 Supervision after certificate granted
4. Basic Requirements of Certification Implementation
4.1 Application of certification
4.2 Type test
4.3 Initial factory inspection
4.4 Assessment and approval of certification results
4.5 Supervision after certificate granted
5. Certificate
5.1 Maintaining of certificate
5.2 Extension of certification product
5.3 Canceling, suspending, revoking of certificate
6. Use of Compulsory Product Certification Mark
6.1 Basic requirements
6.2 Permitted mark style of use
6.3 Use of deformed certification mark
6.4 Mark applying way
6.5 Location applying mark
7. Fees
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Annex 5
Annex 6
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