中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50005-2003 Code for Design of Timber Structures (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$70.00 USD
1 General
2 Definitions and symbols
3 Materials
4 Basic design stipulations
5 Calculation for members of timber structures
6 Calculation for fastenings in timber structures
7 Sawn and round timber structures
8 Glued laminated timber structures
9 Light wood frame construction
10 Fire protection of timber structures
11 preservation of timber structures
Appendix A Limitations of grades for timber used in loadbearing structures
Appendix B Design requirements of timber from new species group used in loadbearing structures
Appendix C Testing standards of timber strength
Appendix D Requirements of inspection & maintenance of timber structures
Appendix E Testing standards of adhesive power
Appendix F Technological requirements of gluing
Appendix G Names of timber & main characteristics of commonly used timber in this code
Appendix H Field Identification & main characteristics of main imported timber
Appendix J Conversions of design values of strength for visually stress-graded imported dimention lumber
Appendix K Stability factors of axial compression member
Appendix L Calculation of lateral stability of bending members
Appendix M Test key point & determination of design values of bearing capacity of truss plates
Appendix N Relevant requirements of light wood frame construction
Appendix P Design of resistance to lateral forces for floors & roofs in light wood frame construction
Appendix R Combustibility & fire-resistance ratings of building members of all kinds
Explanation of wording in this code
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