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Document Title  
GB 50007-2011 Code for design of building foundation (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$340.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic Requirements
4 Geotechnical Classification and Index Properties
4.1 Geotechnical Classification
4.2 Engineering Index Properties
5 Foundation Design Calculation
5.1 Embedded Depth of Foundation
5.2 Bearing Capacity Calculation
5.3 Deformation Calculation
5.4 Stability Calculation
6 Foundation in Mountain Area
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Foundation on Rock and Soil
6.3 Foundation on Compacted Fill
6.4 Landslide Prevention
6.5 Foundation on Rock
6.6 Karst and Sinkhole
6.7 Earth Slope and Gravity Retaining Wall
6.8 Rock Slope and Anchor Wall
7 Soft Ground
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Usage and Treatment
7.3 Architectural Measurement
7.4 Structural Measurement
7.5 Massive Ground Surcharge
8 Foundation
8.1 Non-reinforced Spread Foundation
8.2 Spread Foundation
8.3 Strip Foundation under Columns
8.4 Raft Foundation of High-rise Buildings
8.5 Pile Foundation
8.6 Rock Bolt Foundation
9 Excavation Engineering
9.1 General Requirements
9.2 Excavation Engineering Exploration and Environmental Investigation
9.3 Earth Pressure and Water Pressure
9.4 Design Calculation
9.5 Internal Bracing of Support Structure
9.6 Soil Bolt
9.7 Excavation Engineering Inverse Practice
9.8 Excavation Engineering of Rock Mass
9.9 Underground Water Control
10 Inspection and Monitoring
10.1 General Requirements
10.2 Inspection
10.3 Monitoring
Appendix A Division of Rock Hardness and Rock Mass Integrity Degree
Appendix B Field Identification of Gravel Soil
Appendix C Key Points for Shallow Plate Load Testing
Appendix D Key Points for Deep Plate Load Testing
Appendix E Standardized Value for Shear Strength Parameters C and

Appendix G Classification of Soil Expansion upon Freezing and Maximum Allowable
Thickness of Frozen Earth above Building Foundation
Appendix H Key Points for Loading Test on Rock
Appendix J Requirements for Uni-axial Compressive Strength Testing on Rock
Appendix K Stress Influence Coefficient a and Average Stress Influence Coefficient a
Appendix L Active Earth Pressure Coefficient ka for Retaining Wall
Appendix M Key Points for Pullout Resistance Testing on Rock Anchors
Appendix N Calculation of Subsequent Foundation Settlement under Massive Ground
Appendix P Perimeter of Critical Section for Shearing and Polar Moment of Inertia
Appendix Q Key Points for Vertical Static Load Test on Single Pile
Appendix R Final Settlement Calculation for Pile Foundation
Appendix S Key Points for Lateral Load Test on Single Pile
Appendix T Key Points for Uplift Capacity Test on Single Pile
Appendix U Anti-shearing Sectional Width of Step and Cone-shape Pile Cap
Appendix V Stability Evaluation for Excavation Support Structures
Appendix W Anti-seepage Stability Evaluation for Foundation Pit 158
Appendix Y Key Points for Pre-stressed Earth Anchor Testing
Explanation of Wording in this Code
List of Quoted Standards

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