中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50009-2001 Load code for the design of building structures (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$86.00 USD
Table of Contents
1 General Principles
2 Term and Symbols
3 Classification of Loads and Combination of Load Effects
4 Live loads on Floors and Roofs
5 Crane Load
6 Snow Load
7 Wind Load
Appendix A Self-weight of Commonly Used Materials and Structural Members
Appendix B Determination Method of Equivalent Uniform Live Loads on Floors
Appendix C Live Loads on Floors in Industrial Buildings
Appendix D Determination Method for the Reference Snow Pressure and Wind Pressure
Aoppendix E Empirical Formulae for the Structureal Fundamental Natural Period Vibration
Appendix F Approximate Values for Vibration Mode Factors of Structures
Appendix G Explanation of Wording in This Code
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