中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50017 Code for design of steel structures(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$180.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms and Symbols
3 Basic design requirements
4. Calculation of flexural members
5 Calculation of axially loaded members and members subjected to
combined axial load and bending
6 Fatigue Calculations
7 Calculation of connections
8 Detailing requirements
9 Plastic Designs
10 Steel pipe structures
11 Composite steel and concrete beams
Appendix A Allowable deflection of structures or structural members
Appendix B Overall stability factor of beams
Appendix C Stability factor of axially loaded compression members
Appendix D Effective length factor for columns
Appendix E Classification of members and connections for fatigue
Appendix F Stability calculation of truss gusset plate subject to compressive force of the diagonal web member
Explanation of words in this Code
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