中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50019-2003 Code for design of heating ventilation and air conditioning(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$210.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Indoor and Outdoor Design Conditions
4 Heating
5 Ventilation
6 Air Conditioning
7 Cold and Hot Source for Air Conditioning
8 Monitoring and Control
9 Sound Deadening and Vibration Isolation
Appendix A Total Solar Irradiance in Summer
Appendix B Solar Irradiance Through Standard
Appendix C Map of Atmospheric Transparency Grades for Air
Conditioning in Summer
Appendix D Heat Loss for Heating Up Cold Air Infiltrated from
Slots of Doors/Windows
Appendix E orientation Correction Factor (n Value) for Infiltrated
Cold Air Volume
Appendix F Calculation of Natural Ventilation
Appendix G Minimum Wind Speed of Dust Removal Air Pipe
Appendix H Capacity of Ice Storage Equipment and Air
Conditioning Standard Refrigerating Output of Refrigerating Unit
with Dual Duty
Appendix J Minimum Thickness of Cold Insulation Materials of
Equipments and Pipelines and Thickness of Condensation Prevention
Materials of Condensate Pipes
Explanation of Wording in This Code
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