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Document Title  
GB 50021-2001Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$176.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
3 Investigation Classification and Geotechnical Classification
4 Basic Requirements of Engineering Investigations
5 Adverse Geological Action and Geological Disaster
6 Special Rock and Soil
7 Groundwater
8 Engineering Geological Mapping and Survey
9 Exploration and Sampling
10 In-situ Measurement
11 Indoor Test
12 Assessment of Water and Soil Corrosivity
13 In-situ Inspection and Monitoring
14 Geotechnical Engineering Analysis Assessment and Result Report
Annex A: Rock/soil Classification and Verification
Annex B: Blow Count Correction of Taper Dynamic Sounding
Annex C: Engineering Classification of Debris Flow
Annex D: Primary Distinguishing Method of Swelling Soil
Annex E: Hydrogeologic Parameter Measurement Method
Annex F: technical standards of the soil sampler
Annex G: site environment type
Annex H Explanation of Wording
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