中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50040-1996 Code for Design of Dynamic Machine Foundation (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$26.00 USD
1. General Provisions
2. Terminology and Signs
2.1 Terminology
2.2 Signs
3. Basic Design Requirements
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Calculation rules for earth foundation and machine foundation
3.3 Dynamic characteristic parameters of earth foundation
4. Piston Compressor Foundation
4.1 General Specification
4.2 Structural Requirements
4.3 Kinetic Calculation
4.4 Joint Foundation
4.5 Simplified Calculation
5. Turbine Unit & Motor Foundations
5.1 General Provisions
5.2 Kinetic Calculations for Frame Type Foundation
5.3 Load Bearing Capacity Calculation for Frame Type Foundation
5.4 Design of Low Speed Motor Foundation
6. Foundation of turbine compressor
6.1 General
6.2 Structure requirements
6.3 Dynamic force calculation
6.4 Calculation of bearing capacity of frame foundation
7 Crusher and mill foundation
7.1 Crusher foundation
7.2 Mill foundation
8. Impact machine foundation
8.1 Hammer foundation
8.2 Drop hammer foundation
9 Foundation of hot die forging press
9.1 General
9.2 Structural requirements
9.3 Dynamic force calculation
10 Foundation for metal-cutting machine
Appendix A Influence of the vibration of low frequency and impact machines on
the building structure
Appendix B Design of anchor pile (rod) foundation
Appendix C Dynamic force calculation of frame foundation
Appendix D Strength calculation and structure of positive cone shell hammer foundations
Appendix E Calculation of ground vibration weakening
Appendix F Calculation of dynamic coefficient with damp ??max of press foundation
Appendix G Terminology of this code
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