中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50049-2011 Code for design of small-size power plant (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$280.00 USD
1 General
2 Heat/electrical load and selection of plant site
3 Site plot plan
4 Layout of main machine hall
5 Coal handing system
6 Boiler Equipments and system
7 Ash and slag removal system
8 Equipments and system of steam turbine
9 Hydrotechnics system
10 Water treatment equipments and system
11 Electric power system
12 Electric equipments and system
13 Thermodynamic automatization
14 Heating ventilation and air-conditioning
15 Construction and structure
16 Accessory and appurtenance
17 Environmental protection
18 Operation safety and industrial health
Appendix A Fire hazard and fire-resistance grade of buildings and structures in production process
Appendix B Minimum distance between buildings and constructuins in power plant
Appendix C Minimun horizontal clear distance between underground pipes and buildings and structures
Appendix D Minimum horizontal clear distance between underground pipes
Appendix E Minimum vertical clear distance between underground pipe lines or between underground pipe

lines and crossed railway, roads
Appendix F Minimum horizontal clear distance between cross-over pipe lines and buildings, structures
Appendix G Minimum vertical clear distance between cross-over pipe lines and crossed railway or roads
Appendix H Interior calculated temperature of heating of each building in plant in winter
Appendix J Regulation of air temperature in summer at working site in workshop
Appendix K Regulations of adopted design intensity for earthquake fortification of partly buildings and

structures in plant
Appendix L Linghting standards and window/floor area ratio of each building in power plant
Appendix M Noise limitatio value in various production working fields
Appendix N Live load of roofing,floor(ground) surface of various building
Appendix P Working explanations for this code
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