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Document Title  
GB 50051-2002 Code for design of chimneys (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$100.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms and Symbols
3 Material
4 Basic Principle of Design
5 Load and Action
6 Brick Chimney
7 Single Drum RC Chimneys
8 Telescope feed and multi-tubes chimneys
9 The steel chimney
10 The corrosion protection of the chimney
11 The foundation of the chimney
12 Himney flue
13 Aerial Obstacle Light and Sign
Appendix A A formula for geometry feature of ring cross section
Appendix B The cross section of a welding barrel the coefficient of stability for axial compression
Appendix C Calculation for final settlement and slanting of circular and round foundation
Explanation to wordings in the regulation
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