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Document Title  
GB 50055-2011 Code for design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
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$300.00 USD
1 General Provisions

1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to enabling the design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment to guarantee personal safety, reliable electric distribution, advanced technology, economy and rationality, energy conservation as well as convenient installation and maintenance.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of electric distribution of the following general-purpose utilization equipment:
1 General-purpose motor with rated power greater than or equal to 0.55kW.
2 Electric overhead travelling crane, electric beam crane, gantry crane and electric hoist; transportation line of belt conveyor, and electrically-driven indoor elevator and escalator with loading greater than 300kg.
3 Electric arc welder, resistance welder and electroslag welder.
4 DC power supply equipment for electroplating.
5 Charging device of lead-acid traction storage battery, lead-acid starting storage battery, fixed valve-regulated sealed lead-acid storage battery and cadmium-nickel storage battery.
6 Power supply device of electrostatic filter for dust removal, tar removal, etc. with a DC voltage of 40kV~80kV.
7 Indoor household and similar electrical appliances.
1.0.3 The design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment shall adopt the product meeting the current national standards and the electric products of high efficiency, low energy consumption and state-of-the-art performance.
1.0.4 The design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment shall not only comply with the requirements of this code, but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
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