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Document Title  
GB 50057-2010 Design Code for Protection of Structures against Lightning (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Classification of Structures to Be Protected Against Lightning
4 Protection Measures for Structures Against Lightning
4.1 Basic Requirement
4.2 Protection Measures for First Class of Structures to be Protected Against Lightning
4.3 Protection Measures for Second Class of Structures to Be Protected Against Lightning
4.4 Protection Measures of Third Class of Structures to Be Protected Against Lightning
4. 5 Other Protection Measures Against Lightning
5 Lightning Protection System
5. 1 Materials for Lightning Protection System
5.2 Air-termination System
5.3 Down-conductor System
5.4 Earth-termination System
6 Protection Against LEMP (Lightning Electromagnetic Impulse)
6.1 Basic Requirement
6.2 Lightning Pretection Zones and Protection Against LEMP
6.3 Requirements for Magnetic Shielding, Earthing and Equipotential Bonding
6.4 Requirements for Installation and Selection of SPDS (Surge Protective Devices)
Appendix A Expected Annual Number of Lightning Flash for Structures
Appendix B Structure Parts Suffered Easily by Lightening Stroke
Appendix C Conversion From Power Frequency Earthing Resistance to Earthing Resistance of Earth-termination System
Appendix D Determination of Protected Volume of Air-termination System with Rolling Sphere Method
Appendix E Values of Coefficient kc
Appendix F Lightning Current
Appendix G Calculation of Induced Voltages and Currents in Loops
Appendix H Cross-section of the Entering Cable Screen
Appendix J Surge Protective Device
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