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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50058-2014 Code for design of electrical installations in explosive atmospheres (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$500.00 USD
1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Explosive gas atmosphere
3.1 General requirement
3.2 Classification of hazardous area in explosive gas atmosphere
3.3 Extension of hazardous area in explosive gas atmosphere
3.4 Grading and grouping of explosive gas mixture
4 Explosive dust atmosphere
4.1 General requirement
4.2 Classification of hazardous area in explosive dust atmosphere
4.3 Extension of hazardous area in explosive dust atmosphere
5 Electrical installations in explosive atmosphere
5.1 General requirement
5.2 Selection of electrical equipment in explosive atmosphere
5.3 Erection of electrical equipment in explosive atmosphere
5.4 Design of electrical wiring in explosive atmosphere
5.5 Grounding design in explosive atmosphere
Annex A Example drawing and condition of classification of explosive hazardous area
Annex B Typical example drawing of extension of hazardous area in explosive gas atmosphere
Annex C Grading and grouping of explosive gas or vapor mixture
Annex D Typical example drawing of extension of hazardous area in explosive dust atmosphere
Annex E Example of characteristics of combustible dust
Explanation of Wording in this Code
List of quoted standard
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