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Document Title  
GB 50061-2010 Code for Design of 66kV or under Over-head Electrical Power Transmission Line (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1.0.1 This code was formulated with a view to enable the design of 66kV and under over-head electrical power transmission line living up to safe and reliable power supply, state-of-the-art technologies, economy and rationality, being convenient for construction and maintenance, as well as favorable to environmental protection and integrated utilization of resources.

1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of 66kV or under AC over-head electrical power transmission line (hereinafter referred to as "overhead power line").

1.0.3 The design of overhead power lines must be seriously subject to the national technical and economic policies, development planning, and actively be in the adoption of new technologies, new materials, new equipments, and new processes.

1.0.4 As for the tower structure design of overhead power lines, probabilistic theory-based limit state design method shall be adopted.

1.0.5 The basic technical requirements for the design of 66kV or under overhead power line are specified in this code. If this code conflicts with the requirements of the national laws and administrative regulations, this code shall be enforced according to the requirements of the national laws and administrative regulations.

1.0.6 Except for those requirements stipulated in this code, those in the current relevant ones of the nation also shall be complied with for the design of overhead power lines.
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