中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB/T 50062-2008 Code for Design of Relaying Protection and Automatic Device of Electric Power Installations (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$50.00 USD
1. General provisions
2. General rules
3. Generator protection
4. Power transformer protection
5. 3~66kV power line protection
6. 110kV Protection of power circuit
7. Bus bar protection
8. Power condenser and reactor protection
9. 3kV or above electric motor protection
10. Auto-reclose circuit breaker
11. Automatic throw-in equipments of standby power and standby equipments
12. Automatic low-frequency load-shedding devices
13. Synchronous paralleling
14. Automatic Regulating Excitation and Automatic De-excitation
15. Secondary loop and relative equipment
Annex A Allowable Subtransient Current Times for Synchro Motor, Transformer in Self-synchronizing and Asynchronous Switching-on
Annex B Minimum Sensitivity Factor of Relay Protection
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