中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50077-2003 Code for design of reinforced concrete silos(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1 General
1.0.1 In order to implement the present national technical and economic policies during the reinforced
concrete silos to materialize the advanced technologies, safety, appliance, economy, rationality and to
assure the quality, establish this code.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of the cast-in-place reinforced concrete silos for storage of
granular materials and the mixture silos for blending powder materials with compressed air, with the plane
shape of circle or rectangle. This code is not applicable to the design of silos for storing succulence and
fibrous granular materials.
1.0.3 The designs of silos can be divided into designs of deep bin and shallow bin. For the rectangular
shallow bin, the silos can be classified into hopper bin, low-wall shallow bin and high-wall shallow bin.
The classification standards shall comply with the following specifications:
1 When the ratio of the calculation height hn of stored materials in silo to the internal diameter dn
of circular silo or to the short side length bn of rectangular silo is greater than or equivalent to 1.5, the silo
is a deep bin; when the ratio is less than 1.5, the silo is a shallow bin.
2 For a rectangular silo, when there are no walls of silo, it is a hopper silo; when the ratio of wall
height of silo h to the shallow side length b is less than 0.5, the silo is a short-wall shallow bin; when the
ratio is greater than or equivalent to 0.5, the silo is a high-wall shallow bin.
1.0.4 The design of reinforced concrete silos, except that it shall comply with this code, shall observe
the specifications of the related active national compulsory standards.
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