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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB/T 50105-2010 Standard for structural drawings (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1 General ProvisionsPREFIX = O

PREFIX = ST1 1.0.1 This standard is prepared to unify professional cartographic conventions of the building structure, ensure the drawing regulation and quality, increase the drawing efficiency, the drawing shall be distinct, concise, meet requirements of design, construction and files, meet engineering construction requirements.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to engineering drawings made via the following methods:
1 Manual drawing;
2 Computerized drawing
1.0.3 This standard is applicable to the following engineering drawings of the building structures:
1 Design drawings and drawing on completion of newly-built, rebuild and extension projects;
2 Surveyed drawings of former buildings and structures;
3 General design drawing, standard design drawing
1.0.4 Regularity of computerized drawing and layer management of the computerized drawing shall conform to the relevant requirements of current national standard GB/T 50001 “Unified standard for building drawings”.
1.0.5 Building structure drawing shall conform to this standard and comply with relevant current standards of China as well.
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