中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50128-2005 Code for Design of 66kV or under Over-head Electrical Power Transmission Line (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
1 General
2 Acceptance of material
3 Prefabrication
3.1 General regulation
3.2 Prefabrication of walls sheets
3.3 Prefabrication of base sheet
3.4 The prefabrication for floating roof and inner floating roof
3.5 Prefabrication of fixed roof sheet
3.6 Prefabrication of element
4 Assembling
4.1 General rule
4.2 Check foundation
4.3 Assembly of tank bottom
4.4 Assembly of tank shells
4.5 Installation of fixed roof
4.6 Installation of floating roof
4.7 Installation of accessories
5 Welding
5.1 Judgment on wilding process
5.2 Examination for welders
5.3 Preparation before welding
5.4 Welding work
5.5 Welding sequence
5.6 Repair
6 Inspection and acceptance
6.1 Inspection for appearance of welding line
6.2 Non-destructive test and tightness test for welding line
6.3 Test for geometry shape and size of tank body
6.4 Water filling test
6.5 Acceptance of construction
Appendix A Preparation and test for T joint fillet test sheet
Appendix B Observation method for settlement of storage tank foundation
Appendix C Handover and Acceptance Form
Explanation of Wording on this Specification
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