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Document Title  
GB 50183-2004 Code for fire protection design of petroleum and natural gas engineering (Text of Document is in English)
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$280.00 USD
2.1 Terminologies of oil, gas and fire hazard

2.1.1 Oil

It refers to crude oil, petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil and naphtha, etc.), stabilized light hydrocarbon and stabilized condensate.

2.1.2 Crude oil

It refers to the liquid compound produced from the oil well, giving priority to hydrocarbon.

2.1.3 Natural gas liquid (NGL)

It's the generic term of liquid hydrocarbon compounds recovered from the natural gas but not passed through stabilizing treatment, generally including ethane, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and stabilized light hydrocarbon. It's also named as mixed light hydrocarbon.

2.1.4 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

It's in the gaseous state under normal temperature and pressure but becomes liquid after compression or cooling. It's mainly consisted of propane, butane and their compounds.

2.1.5 Stabilized light hydrocarbon

It's abstracted from natural gas liquid (NGL) and is mainly consisted of pentane and other heavier hydrocarbon, the end boiling point shall not be higher than 190℃, under the specified vapor pressure, it allows including a little butane. It's also named as natural gasoline.

2.1.6 Gas condensate

It refers to the hydrocarbon liquid abstracted from the condensate gas but not stabilized.

2.1.7 Stabilized gas condensate

It's abstracted from the gas condensate and is mainly consisted of pentane and the other heavier hydrocarbon.
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