中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50191-1993 Design code for antiseismic of special structures (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$260.00 USD
1 General provisions
2 Terminologies and siges
3 Basic requirements on antiseismic design
4 Site, subgrade and foundation
5 Seismic action and structure antiseismic proof-calculation
6 Frame and bent frame structures
7 Suspension boiler frame
8 Bins
9 Headframe
10 Reinforced concrete derricks
11 Braced steel derricks
12 Hyperbolic cooling tower
13 Television tower
14 Tower equipment foundation in petrochemical plants
15 Coke oven foundation
16 Conveyor vestibule
17 Pipe support
18 concentration pool
19 Atmospheric pressure vertical cylindrical storage tanks
20 Spherical storage tanks
21 Horizontal cylindrical storage tank
22 Blast furnace system structure
23 Tailing dam
Appendix A Conditions for frame and bent structures to be calculated as planes and adjusting coefficient

of seismic action effect
Appendix B Sectional antiseismic proof-calculation for core zone of frame joints
Appendix C Lateral displacement rigidity of supporting structures with cross beams for colum-supported

square bins
Appendix D Displacement of coke oven boby under unit horizontal action
Appendix E Rigidity of Frame type fixing supports
Appendix F Antiseismic grade of tailing dams
Appendix G Notes on some expressions used in this specification
Additional Notes
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