中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50204-2002 Code for acceptance of constructional quallty of concrete structures (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms
3 Basic Stipulations
4 Formwork Itemized works
5 Reinforcing bar Itemized works
6 Prestress itemized works
7 Concrete itemized works
8 Cast-in-situ sub-section work of concrete structure
9 Assembly sub-section work of concrete structure
10 Sub-section works of Concrete Structures
Appendix A Records on Quality Acceptance
Appendix B The minimum overlapped length of longitudinally stressed
reinforcing bar
Appendix C Methods for inspection of structural performance of prefabricated Member
Appendix D Strength inspection of test piece cured at the same condition used for inspection of structural entity
Appendix E Inspection on thickness of protection layer of reinforcing bar of structural entity
Explanation of wording in this Code
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