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Document Title  
GB 50205-2002 Code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structures (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$220.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms and Symbols
3 Basic Requirements
4 Admittance of Raw Material and Finished Products
5 Welding Work of Steel Structures
6 Connecting Work of Fasteners
7 Processing Work of Steel Parts and Steel Components
8 Assembly Work of Steel Elements
9 Test Assembling Work of Steel Elements
10 Installation Work of Single-layer Steel Structures
11 Installation Work of Multilayer or High Steel Structures
12 Installation Work of Net-type Steel Structures
13 Preparation and Installation Work of Metal Contour Plates
14 Coating Work of Steel Structures
15 Final Acceptance of Subitem-works of Steel Structure
Appendix A Quality Standard of Appearance of Welding Seam, and Allowable Variations of Sizes of Welding Seam
Appendix B Inspection Items of Connecting of Fastener
Appendix C Allowable Variations for Assembly of Steel Structure
Appendix D Allowable Variations for Test Assembling of Steel Structure
Appendix E Allowable Variations for Installation of Steel Structure
Appendix F Test Method for Thickness of Fire-retardant Coating Layer of Steel Structur Appendix G Test of Safety and Functionality of Steel Structures and Test Items Needing Witness
Appendix H Examination Items of Visual Sensation of Steel Structures
Appendix J Record Forms for Batch Quality Acceptance of Steel Structures
Explanatory Notes for Wording of this Code
Additional Notes: Explanatory Notes for Clauses
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