中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50242-2002 Code for acceptance of construction quality of water supply drainage and heating works (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$110.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms
3 Basic Provisions
4. Installation of indoor water supply system
5. Installation of indoor drainage system
6. Installation of indoor hot water supply system
7. Installation of sanitary fixtures
8. Installation of indoor heating system
9. Installation of outdoor water supply pipe network
10. Installation of outdoor drainage pipe network
11. Installation of outdoor heat supply pipe network
12. Installation of intermediate water system of building and swimming pool water system
13 Installation of heat supply boiler and auxiliaries
14 . Quality acceptance of subsection works
Appendix A Classification of subsection and item works of water supply drainage and heating works Indoor heating system
Appendix B Acceptance on inspection batch Quality standard
Appendix C Acceptance on construction quality of item works
Appendix D Acceptance on construction quality of subsection works
Appendix E Acceptance on construction quality of water supply drainage and heating works
Appendix F Wording explanations for this code
Clause Explanation
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