中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50263-2007Code for Installation and Acceptance of Gas Extinguishing System (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$104.00 USD
1 General provision
2 Terms
3 General requirements
4 Approach inspections
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Materials
4.3 System constituent
5 System installations
5.1 General requirement
5.2 Installation for memory devices of fire extinguishing agent
5.3 Installation of selector valve and signal feedback device
5.4 Installation of valve actuating device
5.5 Installation for delivery conduit of the fire extinguishing agent
5.6 Installation of nozzle
5.7 Installation of pre-engineered systems
5.8 Installation of control assembly
6 System debug
6.1 General requirements
6.2 Debugging
7 Systems acceptance
7.1 General requirement
7.2 Acceptance between protected area or protected object and memory devices
7.3 Acceptance for delivery conduit of equipment and fire extinguishing agent
7.4 Acceptance for system function
8 Maintenance administrations
Appendix A Record of Quality Management and Inspection at Construction Site
Appendix B Division of gas extinguishing system engineering
Appendix C Construction note of gas extinguishing system
Appendix D Examining and receiving record of gas extinguishing system
Appendix E Test methods
Appendix F Record of maintenance and inspection of gas extinguishing system
Explanation of wording in this code
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