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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50278-2010 Code for construction and acceptance of cranes installation engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1 General provisions

1.0.1 This standard is developed in order to improve the installation-engineering construction level of cranes, promote technological progress; ensure engineering quality & safety and to improve economic performance.

1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the construction and acceptance of the installation engineering carried out with electric hoist, overhead crane with simple girder, overhead traveling crane, portal bridge crane and cantilever crane.

1.0.3 Sound hoisting scheme must be developed for the hoisting with large, special and complex cranes or for the crane hoisting in special and complex circumstance. If building structure is used as the important load-carrying point for hoisting; the load-carrying capability of the structure must be calculated and the scheme must be approved the former design organization in written form.

1.0.4 In addition to the requirements stated in this standard, the construction and acceptance of crane installation engineering shall meet the provisions specified in current national relevant standards.

2 Basic requirements

2.0.1 Before cranes are installed, they shall be inspected according to the following requirements:

1 Accompanying technical documents shall be complete.

2 The equipments, materials and attachments shall be inspected in accordance with equipment packing list; the models, specifications and amount of such equipments shall meet the requirements of engineering design and accompanying technical document; in addition, corresponding quality certificates shall be provided.

3 Equipments shall be free from any deformation, damage or rustiness. Thereinto, wire rope shall be free from any rustiness, damage, buckling, looping, kinking, crack or loosening.

4 Ground track foundation of a crane, crane track girder and embedded parts installation shall meet the provisions of engineering design.

5 The safe distance between crane and building shall meet the requirements of engineering design.

2.0.2 When a coupling is assembled on site, the end clearance, radial displacement and axial slope shall meet the provisions of accompanying technical documents; if no provisions are available, the relevant provisions stated in current national standard "General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering" shall be met.

2.0.3 When flexible hoisting member is installed, the following provisions must be met;

1 When wire rope is fixed with press plate, the press plate shall be free from any dislocation or looseness.

2 When wire rope is fixed with wedge block, the arc section of wire rope close to wedge block shall be wedged firmly and free from any looseness.

3 When wire rope gets through guide rope device, it shall not be blocked or hindered; the sending-out wire rope shall be free from any swirling or nuzzling up.

4 When a hook locates at lower limit position, wire ropes on winding drum shall, besides the rings to fix the rope end, be at least 2 rings.

5 Wire ropes for hoisting shall be free from long splicing joint; when the rope is lengthened with other method, the joint strength shall not be less than 90% wire-rope breaking force.

6 When hoisting chain gets through chain wheel or leading chain frame, the process shall be smooth and free from blocking or crawling.

2.0.4 Brake adjustment shall be proper enough so that the switching of brake will be flexible and the braking will be stable and free from any skidding.

2.0.5 When overhead traveling crane and portal bridge crane are in no load, the maximum clearance between trolley wheel tread and track surface shall not be greater than 0.00167 the smaller value determined by trolley cardinal distance and trolley span (Figure 2.0.5).
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