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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50300-2013 Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 Division of Acceptance of Constructional Quality
5 Acceptance of Constructional Quality
6 Procedure and organization of Acceptance of Constructional Quality
Appendix A Inspection Record for Quality Control in Construction Site
Appendix B Division of Sub-section and Sub-item Project
Appendix C Division of Unit and Sub-section Project of Outdoor Project
Appendix D Inspecting Determination of Normal Single and Double Sampling For general item
Appendix E The Quality Acceptance Records of Inspection Lot
Appendix F The Quality Acceptance Records of Sub-item Project
Appendix G The Quality Acceptance Records of Sub-section Project
Appendix H The Quality Acceptance Records of Unit Project
Explanation of Wording in this Standard
Addition: Explanation of Provisions

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