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Document Title  
GB/T 50537-2009 Code of engineering survey for oil-gas field (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
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$320.00 USD
1 General
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to unify the technical requirements for engineering survey during the engineering construction of oil-gas field, promote and apply mature new plotting technology and method and provide timely and accurate plotting material for the project construction of oil-gas field according to the principle of state-of-the-art technology, economic feasibility, safety and reliability, so as to meet the construction needs of modern oil-gas field.

1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the engineering survey during the engineering design of oil-gas field and the control survey, deformation survey and survey of prospecting point during the construction phase of the oil-gas field.

1.0.3 The unit of measure shall establish a consummate quality system.

1.0.4 Relevant provisions of the current national standard "Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems" (SY/T 6276) shall be conformed to.

1.0.5 Surveying instruments and equipments shall be inspected and rectified as required and be maintained and overhauled periodically.

1.0.6 In this Code, mean square error shall be regarded as the criteria for evaluating the survey accuracy, and double mean square error shall be regarded as the limited error.

1.0.7 The cartographic symbols for surveying topographical map shall meet the requirements of the current national standard "Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps - Part 1: Specifications for cartographic symbols 1:500 1:1000 & 1:2000 topographic maps" (GB/T 20257.1-20077929) and " Cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps - Part 2: Specifications for cartographic symbols 1:5000 & 1:10000 topographic maps" (GB/T 20257.2-20065791). More cartographic symbols can be formulated according to the characteristics and requirements of maps for the oil-gas field.

1.0.8 The format of the topographical maps for the location of plant, tankage and station of the oil-gas field and source maps for the survey of the route engineering shall meet the requirements of relevant provisions of professional petroleum and gas standard "Standard for petroleum and natural gas engineering drawings" (SY/T 0003).

1.0.9 The electronic document and paper document provided for the users and for on-file purpose shall be the same.

1.0.10 For the engineering survey of oil-gas field, not only the requirements stipulated in this Code but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with.
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