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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
JTJ 034-2000 Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Road-bases (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$240.00 USD
1 General Provisions

1.0.1 This standard is formulated in order to adapt to the demand of the highway construction in China, construct the highway road base meet the quality requirements and avoid early damage due to poor quality of base.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the construction of base and sub-base of rigid (cement concrete) pavement, semi-rigid (semi-rigid base asphalt) pavement or flexible (flexible base asphalt or medium-grade) pavement for new and rebuild highway at all classes.
1.0.3 This standard specifies the requirements on the construction and quality control of cement stabilized soil, lime stabilized soil, lime industrial waste stabilized soil, graded crushed rock, graded gravel and dry bound macadam.
1.0.4 When bituminous macadam mixture and bituminous-penetrating crushed rock is used as base, the technical requirement, construction method and quality control hereof shall meet the national standard "Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt pavement" (GB 50092).
1.0.5 When lean concrete and rolled concrete is used as base, the technical requirement, construction method and quality control hereof shall meet the national standard "Specifications for constructions and acceptance of road concrete pavement" (GBJ97).
1.0.6 For all medium-grade pavement with the possibility of rebuilding for improving the grade hereof, the base structure specified in this standard shall be adopted as the main supporting course hereof, and the materials like gravel soil, screenings earth or sandy soil may be used for wearing course on the base structure.
1.0.7 The technical requirement, construction method and quality control of underlayer shall meet the requirements on sub-base of equivalent materials in this standard.
1.0.8 The maximum dry density gained by heavy compaction test shall be adopted as standard dry density in this standard.
1.0.9 The test methods involved in this standard shall meet the requirements on the testing regulations issued by the Ministry of Communications.
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