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Document Title  
JGJ 106-2003 Technical code for testing of building foundation piles (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$256.00 USD
1 General principles
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbol
3 Basic specifications
3.1 Detection methods and contents
3.2 Testing work procedure
3.3 Testing quantity
3.4 Certification and extending test
3.5 Test results assessment and report
3.6 Test organization and personnel
4 Static Vertical Loading Test for Single Pile
4.1 Scope of application
4.2 Equipment, Instrument and Installations
4.3 Field Tests
4.4 Analysis and Determination of Evaluation of Measure Data
5 Vertical Static Pulling Test for Single Pile
5.1 Scope of Application
5.2 Equipment, Instruments and Installations
5.3 Field Measurement
5.4 Analysis and Evaluation of Measure Data
6 Single-pile Horizontal Static Load Test
6.1 Scope of Application
6.2 Equipment, Instruments and Installations
6.3 Field Measurements
6.4 Analysis and Evaluation of Measure Data
7 Coring Method
7.1 Scope of Application
7.2 Equipment
7.3 Field Operation
7.4 Cutting and Processing of Core Sample pieces
7.5 Compressive Strength Tests With Core Sample Test Pieces
7.6 Analysis and Evaluation of Measure Data
8 Low strain integrity testing
8.1 Scope of application
8.2 Instrument and equipment
8.3 Site test
8.4 Analysis and determination on test value
9 High strain dynamic testing
9.1 Scope of application
9.2 Instrument and equipment
9.3 Site test
9.4 Analyzing and determination of test data
10 Crosshole sonic logging
10.1 Scope of application
10.2 Apparatus and equipment
10.3 Field testing
10.4 The analysis and detection of the measuring data
Appendix A The test for inner force of pile body
Annex B Treatment on concrete pile head
Appendix C The record of the static load test
Appendix D Record table of coring method
Appendix E The machining and measure of coring sample
Annex F Assembling of sensor for high strain dynamic testing
Appendix G Test piling and piling monitor
G.1 Test piling
G.2 The monitor of the hammer stress of the pile body
G.3 The monitor of the hammering energy
Appendix H The burial point of the sonic test
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