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Document Title  
GB/T 711-2008 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates sheets and wide strips (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$74.00 USD
5. Technical requirements

5.1 Trademark and chemical compositions

5.1.1Trademark of steel and chemical constitution (smelting ingredient) shall conform to requirements of Table 1. the residual elements like chromium, nickel and copper in the steel can be guaranteed by the supplier, analyses may not be prceeded. for steel smelted by oxygen converter, nitrogen content thereof shall be no greater than 0.008%, if the supplier can guarantee the quality, analyses may not be proceeded. for 08 steel, aluminium is allowed to be used to replace silicon for deoxidation, at this point, lower limit of manganese content in the steel is 0.25%, silicon content is no greater than 0.03%, acid-soluble aluminium content in the steel is 0.015%~0.065% or aluminium content is 0.020%~0.070%.
5.1.2Permissible variation of chemical constitution of finished steel plates (sheets) and steel strips shall conform to requirements of GB/T 222.
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