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Document Title  
GB 3096-2008 Environmental quality standards for noise (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$100.00 USD
1. Scope

This Standard specifies the environment noise limit and measuring method of five kinds of noise environment functional areas.
This Standard is applicable to the environmental quality assessment and management of the noise.
The surrounding areas around the airport is impacted by the aircraft noise (take off, landing and low-altitude overflight), but not applicable to this Standard.
2. Normative References

The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this national standard. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB 3785 Electric, Sonic Properties and Measuring Methods for Sound Level Meters
GB/T 15173 Sound Calibrators
GB/T 15190 Technical Specification to Determinate the Suitable Areas for Environmental Noise of Urban Area
GB/T 17181 Integrating-Averaging Sound Level Meters
GB/T 50280 Standard for Basic Terminology of Urban Planning
JTG B01 Technical Standard of Highway Engineering
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