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Document Title  
GB 3836.1-2010 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 1:General requirements (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative Reference
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Equipment Grouping
5 Temperatures
6 Requirements for All Electrical Equipment
7 Non-metallic Enclosures and Non-metallic Parts of Enclosures
8 Metallic Enclosures and Metallic Parts of Enclosures
9 Fasteners
10 Interlocking Devices
11 Bushings
12 Materials Used for Cementing
13 Ex Components
14 Connection Facilities and Termination Compartments
15 Connection Facilities for Earthing or Bonding Conductors
16 Entries into Enclosures
17 Supplementary Requirements for Rotating Electrical Machines
18 Supplementary Requirements for Switchgear
19 Supplementary Requirements for Fuses
20 Supplementary Requirements for Plugs, Socket Outlets and Connectors
21 Supplementary Requirements for Luminaires
22 Supplementary Requirements for Caplights and Handlights
23 Equipment Incorporating Cells and Batteries
14 Documentation
25 Compliance of Prototype or Sample with Documents
16 Type Tests
17 Routine Tests
18 Manufacturer’s Responsibility
19 Marking
Appendix A (Normative) Supplementary Requirements for Cable Glands
Appendix B (Normative) Requirements for Ex Components
Appendix C (Normative) Special Requirements for Group I Electrical Equipment
Appendix D (Normative) Inspection Procedure to Obtain Certificate
Appendix E (Informative) Introduction of an Alternative Risk Assessment Method Encompassing
“Equipment Protection Levels” for Ex Equipment
Appendix F (Informative) Motors Supplied by Converters
Appendix G (Informative) Example of Rig for Resistance to Impact Test
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