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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB/T 5009.48-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of distilled wines and mixed wines
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative Reference
3 Sensory test
4 Physical and chemical inspection

1 Scope

This Standard specifies the analysis methods of various hygienic indexes of the mixed wines which are made from the wine base produced by white wine, brewed wine or distilled liquor after saccharified fermented and distilled from sugar-containing or starch-containing material with the addition of edible auxiliary materials.
This Standard is applicable to the analysis of various hygienic indexes of diluted wines and mixed wines.
The detection limit of methanol is 0.02g/100mL.
The detection limit of fusel oil (calculated based on isoamylol and isobutanol) is 0.03g/100mL.
The detection limit of manganese is 0.50mg/L.
Distilled wine refers to the wine with the volume fraction of over 60°, and in case the concentration of ethanol is lower than 60°, the results of determination shall be replaced with the content of 60°. If the concentration of ethanol is determined lower than 60° after distillation, the results of determination shall be also replaced with the content of 60°.
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