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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
NB/T 1001-2011 Technical Standard for Vehicle Liquefied Natural Gas Fueling Station (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms
4 Classification of gas fueling station and selection of site
4.1 Basic requirements
4.2 Classification of gas fueling station
4.3 Selection of site
5 Plane arrangements in station
5.1 Enclosing wall
5.2 Roads
5.3 Dike
5.4 Set-up of fueling platform and awning
5.5 Fire separation distance
6 Process facilities
6.1 LNG tank system
6.2 Unloading
6.3 LNG pump
6.4 Gas fueling facilities
6.5 Vaporizer
6.6 Pipeline system
6.7 Emergency shut-off system
6.8 Alarm system of combustible gas
6.9 Movable LNG fueling device
7 Fire fighting equipment and water supply and drainage
7.1 Setting of fire extinguishing material
7.2 Supply system of firefighting water
7.3 Drainage
8 Electrics
8.1 Power supply and distribution
8.2 Lightning protection and anti-static
9 Buildings and structures, heating and ventilation, and greening
9.1 Buildings and structures
9.2 Heating and ventilation
9.3 Greening
10 Construction and acceptance
10.1 General specification
10.2 Test for equipment and materials
10.3 Civil construction
10.4 Installation of process equipment
10.5 Pipeline works
10.6 Electrical and instrument construction
10.7 Anti-corrosion and heat insulation engineering
10.8 Pre-cooling, cold insulation and commissioning
10.9 Completion acceptance
Annex A origin-Destination to Calculate the Space
Annex B Explosive Gas Environment Danger Area Zone Demarcating in the Gas Fueling Station
Explanation of Wording in This Code
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