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Document Title  
GB/T 5118-1995 Low alloy steel covered electrodes (Text of Document is in English)
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$74.00 USD
1. Subject content and application scope

This standard specifies the contents for type classification, technical requirements, and the test method and test rules of Low alloy steel covered electrodes.

This national standard is applicable to low alloy steel covered electrodes for manual electric arc welding with coating.
2. Normative References

GB 700 Carbon Structural Steel
GB/T 1591 Low-alloy High-tensile Structural Steel
GB 223.1~223.24 Chemical Analysis Method for Steel and Alloy
GB 2652 Tensile Test Methods on Weld and Deposited Metal
GB 2650 Impact Test Methods on Welded Joints
GB 3323 Methods for Radiographic Inspection and Classification of Radiographs for Fusion Welded Butt Joints in Steel
GB/T 3965 Methods for Determination of Diffusible Hydrogen in Deposited Metal
3. Classification

3.1 Type classification principle

The electrode types are classified according to mechanical properties of deposited metal, chemical compositions, coating type; welding position and kind of current (see Table 1 and Table 2).
3.2 Type establishment method

Letter "E" denotes electrode, the former two figures denote the minimum value for tensile strength on deposited metal; the third figure denotes welding position of the electrode, "0" and "1" denote that the electrode is applicable to all-position welding (flat welding, vertical weld, overhead position welding and horizontal position welding), "2" denotes that the electrode is applicable to flat welding and flat fillet weld; the third and fourth figures combination denotes welding current kind and coating type; the suffix letter is classification code for chemical compositions of deposited metal, and it is separated from the former figure with a bar "-"; if affix chemical compositions is provided, the affix chemical composition is directly denoted by symbol of element, and is separated from the former suffix letter with a bar "-". For E50XX-X, E55XX-X and E60XX-X type low-hydrogen electrode, when add letter "R" in the end of classification suffix letter for the chemical composition of deposited metal or the additional chemical composition, it denotes moisture-resistance electrode.
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