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Document Title  
GB 8923-1988 Rust grades and preparation grades of steel surfaces before application of paints and related products (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$44.00 USD
1. General provision

1.1 According to this standard the rust grades of unpainted original steel surface shall be divided into for “rust grades”, and preparation grades of the unpainted cleaned steel surface shall be divided into several "preparation grades". Rust grade and preparation grade of steel surface can be accessed through literal descriptions and type typical photo model.

1.2 This standard expresses the assessment of rust grade and preparation grade of steel surface on a visual base. These grades shall be directly assessed by normal sight with moderate lighting, but without magnifier and other implements.

2. Rust Grades

The four rust grades of steel surface are respectively represented by A, B, C, and D. The typical photo model of these rust grades can be seen in chapter 5 and their literal description are as follows:

A. Steel surfaces covered overall with the oxide coating, and hardly any rust.

B. Steel surfaces with rust, and the oxide coating has already partially exfoliated.

C Steel surfaces with the oxide coating exfoliated and could be scraped off, and with rust spot.

D Steel surfaces with the oxide coating completely dropped, and with rust spot widespread.

3. Preparation Grades

3.1 General Principles

3.1.1 The preparation grade of steel surface can be represented by letters "Sa ", “St" or "f1", which indicate the de-rusting methods adopted. The numbers after letters indicate cleaning grades of oxide coating, rust and paint coating.

3.1.2 Literal descriptions of the preparation grade of steel surface can be seen in 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4, and the corresponding typical photo model can be seen in chapter 5.

Notes: 1) Attachments mentioned above include welding slag, weld spatter, soluble salt and others.

2) In this chapter oxide coating, rust and paint coating that can be detached from steel surface by metal tweezers and drawknife shall be regarded as un-firm attachments.
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