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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 9948-2006 Seamless steel tubes for petroleum cracking (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$50.00 USD
3 Classification and designation

The seamless steel tube of this standard is classified into two classes according to manufacturing of products, and its classification and designation is:
a) Hot-rolled (extruded, thermal expansion) steel tube WH;
b) Cold drawn (rolled) steel tube WC.
4 order content
Contract or order sheet for ordering steel tube shall include the following content:
a) Standard serial number;
b) Product name;
c) Designations;
d) Quantity of order (total weight or total length);
e) Dimensions (outside diameter × wall thickness with unit is mm) and the grade of accuracy;
f) Manufacturing method;
g) Special requirements.
5 Dimension, shape, weight and permissible variation
5.1 Outside diameter and wall thickness
5.1.1 Outside diameter and wall thickness of steel tube shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 1 or table 3 of GB/T 17395-1998. According to demander's requirements and mutual negotiation by the parties, it may supply steel tube with other outside diameters and wall thickness.
5.1.2 Permissible variation for outside diameter and wall thickness of steel tube shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 1. When the demander has not indicated the level of permissible variation for the dimensions of steel tube in the contract, the permissible variation for outside diameter and wall thickness shall be in accordance with the provisions on ordinary grade.
According to demander's requirements and mutual negotiation by the both parties, as indicated in the contract, it may produce the steel tubes whose permissible variation of dimension does not specified in Table 1.
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