中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB/T 14285-2006 Technical code for relaying protection and security automatic equipment(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
1 Scope
This Code has stated the fundamental principles on the power system relaying protection and security automatic equipment. These principles shall be executed by related scientific research, design, manufacture, construction and operation departments.

This Code is applicable to the relaying protection in power equipment and circuits and the security automatic equipment that are used in the 3kV-or-higher power system.

2 Normative References
Clauses in the following documents have been quoted by this standard and become clauses of this standard. For documents marked with time, their amendments or revise versions are inapplicable. But, it is encouraged that parties that have reached on an agreement can discuss whether the latest edition of these documents can be adopted. For documents without date, their latest editions are applicable to this standard.
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