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Document Title  
GB 14907-2002 Fire resistive coating for steel structure (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
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$56.00 USD
4 Classifications and Naming

4.1 Product classification

4.1.1 Fire-resistant coatings for steel structures could be divided according to situations into:
a) Interior fire-resistant coating for steel structure: applied on the interior of constructions or the steel structure surface of embedded constructions;
b) Exterior fire-resistant coating for steel structure: applied on the exterior of constructions or the steel structure surface of open constructions.
4.1.2 Fire-resistant coatings for steel structures could be divided according to used thickness into:
a) Fire-resistant coating for ultra-thin steel structure: coating thickness less than or equal to 3mm;
b) Fire-retardant coating of thin steel structure: coating thickness more than 3mm and less than or equal to 7mm;
c) Fire-retardant coating of thick steel structure: coating thickness more than 7mm and less than or equal to 45mm.
4.2 Product naming
Chinese phonetic alphabets are used for code names, N and W respectively represent interior and exterior, CB, B and H respectively represent ultra-thin, thin, and thick and the corresponding relationships between coating names and code names are shown as follows:
Interior fire-resistant coating for ultra-thin steel structure NCB
Exterior fire-resistant coating for ultra-thin steel structure WCB
Interior fire-resistant coating for thin steel structure NB
Exterior fire-retardant coating of thin steel structure WB
Interior thick steel structure fire-retardant coating NH
Exterior thick steel structure fire-retardant coating WH
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