中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 16297-1996 Comprehensive emission standard of air pollutants (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$80.00 USD
1 Subject content and suitable scope
2 Adduced standard
3 Definition
4 Target system
5 Standard grades of emission rate
6 Standard value
7 Other regulations
8 Monitoring
9 Standard execution
Appendix A (Appendix of the Standard):
Parmeter Calculation for Equivalent Discharge Pipe
Appendix B (Appendix of the Standard):
Interpolation and Extrapolation Determining Max.Allowable
Discharging Flowrate of a Discharge Pipe
Appendix C (Appendix of the Standard):
Arrangment of Monitoring Points for Non-organized Discharge
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