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Document Title  
GB 50126-2008 Code for Construction of Industrial Equipment and Pipeline Insulation Engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General Provision
2 Terms
3 Materials
3.1 Quality Requirements
3.2 Quality Inspection
3.3 Transportation Depositing and Maintenance
4 Preparation and Requirement for the Construction
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Preparation and Requirement Before Construction
4.3 Accessory Installations
5 Construction of Heat Insulating Layer
5.1 General Requirements
5.2 Construction of Setting-in Layering Method
5.3 Strapping Construction
5.4 Construction of Assembly Building Method
5.5 Filament Winding Construction
5.6 Filling Construction
5.7 Adhesive Constructions
5.8 Casting Construction
5.9 Spraying Process Construction
5.10 Smear Method Construction
5.11 Construction of Detachable Heat Insulating Layer
5.12 Construction of Metallic Reflecting Insulation Structure
5.13 Leaving and Setting of Expansion Joint and Expansion Clearance
6 Vapor Barrier Construction
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Constructions
7 Construction of Cladding
7.1 Metal Coating
7.2 Nonmetallic Cladding
8 Safety Engineering
9 Engineering Hand Over
Appendix A Report on Starting the Engineering Construction
Appendix B Record of Concealed Work
Appendix C Delivering Summary Sheet of Equipment and Pipeline Insulation Engineering
Appendix D Hand Over Report of Insulation Engineering
Explanation of Wording in This Code
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